Sunday, April 26, 2009

Nursery and Maternity Pics!

Yesterday we went up to Sioux Falls and we got our dresser/changing table. Today we took some pics of our nursery and a few maternity pictures. Here is the link if you want to watch as a slideshow. I hope everyone enjoys the pics!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Daddy felt baby kick!

Yes it's true. Last night Andy felt our little boy kick! He had his hand on my belly and the baby kicked at least 8 times. He is an active little boy! We can't wait until August! Also I am adding a picture of our crib. Our theme is frogs and ducks and we love our nursery! Tomorrow we will go pick up our baby's dresser/changing table in Sioux Falls. Now all we need is our recliner and our baby room will be complete.

Last weekend we also went to Target and registered for our little boy. Our baby shower will be June 13 and my sister Dana is working on getting the invites out! I hope everyone can make it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Good News!

I had great news the other day...the doctor's office called and they got my AFP result back and it was negative. AFP stands for alpha feta protein and it is checking for down syndrome, spina bifida, and other neural tube defects. That is great to hear that our baby is healthy so far!
On a side note I just got a new job at the Sergeant Bluff Clinic as a RN and this job will be great for when the baby comes! I am so excited and I'm sure the baby will be too!
Also I put a pic of my pregnant belly at 20 weeks...we are halfway done with our bun in the oven!
I also wanted to say thank you to the people that have been following my blog. (Sylvia)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mid Term Pregnancy Ultrasound!

Yesterday Andy and I had our mid term pregnancy ultrasound! It was amazing to be able to see the baby again. We saw everything....the feet, hands, heart, brain, kidneys, knees, spine just to name a few. We also saw that the baby is going to be a boy! We are so excited! We found out that this ultrasound rules out 80% of problems and the Doctor said that everything was normal.

The baby boy was also moving quite a bit and he kicked when we looked at this feet! It was so cute. Also when we went to listen to the baby's fetal heart tones the nurse had a hard time getting them becuase he was moving so much. Finally he stayed in one spot long enough so she could get them.

Andy added the DVD of our ultrasound to our website. Go to and right click on 19 week ultrasound. Then hit save link as and you can save it to your desktop and it will download. After it is done being downloaded you are ready to watch!

I will also be adding a few of the pics later on today. We can't wait for our little bouncing baby boy to come in August.