Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Am I in labor?

This last weekend I was having contractions all weekend but they were irregular. Monday morning I was having a lot of contractions but was unable to time them since I was working. I scheduled an appt with my office and saw Dr. Hunt to see if I was in labor. (My Dr. is on vacation this week = (    I wasn't dilated or effaced so it was pretty disappointing. I still kept my Thursday afternoon appt with Dr. Holtz to check me again.

Also I received a phone call from my Dr. in Omaha Dr. Barsoom. He wanted to talk about options for us and recommended that we come in on Sunday to Bergen Mercy in Omaha, NE at 5pm and he will do a foley induction. They will put what they call a "long straw" with a balloon in my cervix and inject sterile water to fill the balloon up and this will dilate my cervix. They can't use cervical ripening medications due to my previous c-section, but the foley induction is perfectly safe. They will leave the catheter in until I am dilated to a 3 and then the catheter will just fall out. At that time they would start pitocin to initiate labor or break my water or do both. I am super excited to meet our little boy next week and it will be nice to not have to worry about when to drive down to Omaha and if I am in labor, etc,etc. With induction there is still a chance that I may have to have a c-section but I am hoping that everything goes well and we don't have to think about that.

 We all have our bags packed just in case and I am going to finish cleaning my house this week and doing laundry so it is all done when we get home. I may have to repack for the baby and myself as we are having 70 degree weather and I definitely didn't think that would happen in March. What a crazy winter?! Well my next post may be after baby is born so wish us luck!

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