Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 36!

Last week at my appt everything was good and the baby is healthy. His HR was down to 128 and Dr. Eastman said that this was still normal. So far I have only gained 23 lbs and that is normal too according to the Dr. You should gain between 25 to 35 lbs with pregnancy so I hope I gain a few more lbs to make the 25. I have been eating  pretty good. Andy and I eat pretty healthy but I have also been getting the occasional candy bar since Baby J likes chocolate! I mainly crave the same things that I did with Jamison...mexican food, pasta, pizza, steak and potatoes, and chocolate!

Also when I was at my last appt I talked with Dr. Eastman about my job. I work as an Occupational Health Nurse, which means I travel to different businesses here in Sioux City and a few in Pender and Thurston, NE (about 45 minutes away). I am concerned after a certain point that I could go into labor and I wouldn't want to be that far away from home. Dr. Eastman agreed so I told my boss my concerns and she also agreed. Next Wed will be my last day going out to NE but I will still work at my Sioux City companies since they are close. I really love my job and all of my companies but I know that my family will always come first and I am glad that my boss agrees with me.

This week I am now on weekly appts. so tomorrow I will be checked by Dr. Eastman to see if I am dilated or effaced. I have been having contractions but they aren't regular. They have been stronger lately too. I am excited to meet our wonderful little boy soon!

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