Thursday, December 22, 2011

27 Weeks!

I realize it has been awhile before I have posted anything and I have a few things to update you on. I had a Dr.'s appt last Tuesday and they checked me for gestational diabetes and I passed. My blood sugar was 127 after drinking the yucky orange glucola drink that about made me throw up. It has a lot of sugar in it. Also my hemoglobin was 13.1 meaning that I am not anemic. I passed both tests. Dr. Eastmann said that everything is looking good! Woohoo! Also I was measuring a week ahead so I guess that means that either it is a big baby or they have my due date wrong. (I am hoping the due date wrong since I am planning on having a VBAC) I also talked to Dr. Eastmann about the VBAC which they don't preform in Sioux City due to several factors that need to be in place to have them at a hospital. First of all there needs to be a 24 hour OR team, 24 hour anesthesiologist, and 24 hour OB GYN at the hospital. Sioux City doesn't have any of these. Dr. Eastmann did say that if I happen to go in labor that I could refuse a c-section and get one at St Luke's which I was happy to hear. I will still plan on going to Omaha for  a VBAC when I am dilated since it will be safer but at least I know that it is possible to have one here. I also remember when I had Jamison and it was at 2:25 am and the OR team, anesthiesiologist, and OB Gyn were here within 8 minutes for my emergency C-section so that is reassuring too.

We have been busy getting things ready for the holidays and I have all my presents brought and wrapped. Woohoo! I got the baby a little present too. He got a frog that lights up with moon and stars on the ceilling and has soothing sounds. Jamison had a similiar animal but he still uses his sometimes to go to sleep and I don't want Jamison to think that we are taking everything away from him for the baby. We have also started freezing meals and bought some newborn diapers. After Christmas is over I plan on going through Jamison's old baby clothes and washing them and getting them put in the nursery.

This weekend we have a busy weekend on tap. We are heading to Omaha to go my parents house and will be staying there until Christmas Eve and then heading back to Sioux City. Jamison is super excited to see Cousin Kaden and unwrap gifts. He has told me that Santa is going to bring him presents. Christmas Eve night we will go to Andy's parent's house for the Hanson side Christmas. Christmas morning we are having our Christmas and Andy's Parents are coming over to open gifts. That evening we will go to Andy's other grandma's Christmas for supper. Whew busy! It should be fun. We are looking forward to seeing Jamison open up gifts since he is more into Christmas this year than last. Jamison is also talking a lot more and can say sentences and count to 10. He is so much fun and we can't wait to add another little boy to our family! We are sooo excited. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and we will post some pics of Christmas soon!

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