Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 weeks old!

At 2 weeks old we had a scare...our pediatrician's office called us and told us that something on Jamison's newborn screen came back positive for cystic fibrosis and we would need more testing to find out if he has it. Yesterday we went to Sanford Children's Hospital in Sioux Falls and they preformed a sweat test. They put 2 electrodes on Jamison's arms. One was a "hot" electrode and the other was a ground. They developed a current between the two and it would make him sweat. The nurse said that it would feel like his arm was falling asleep but it shouldn't hurt. Jamison did great he didn't fuss at all during the test...he is such a trooper! Then later on yesterday we met with a pediatric pulmonologist and he told us that Jamison did not have Cystic Fibrosis. (what a relief) However he is a carrier of CF which also means that either Andy or I are carriers too. We found out that about 1 in 25 people are carriers for CF. Also this test hasn't been checked until about 5 years ago so that is why we have never heard about it on either side of our families. In order for a child to have CF you would need two parents to have the gene and then your child would have a 25% chance of having CF. Andy and I both had lab work done to check and see who the carrier is...if it happens to be both of us then we may have to rethink having more children. It has been a hard last couple of days and we have had a lot of people praying for us. We thank everyone for their prayers and are glad that everything turned out ok. Yesterday also happened to be Andy's birthday as well so it was one of the best birthday presents he ever could've asked for.

I also had my post op doc appt this week on Tuesday and everything is doing well with my incision. I can actually drive now but I still can't lift anything over Jamison for a couple of weeks. Well we sure hope that all the medical drama is behind us so we can be healthy and focus on our new addition. We love our new son and my how our life has been changed, in a good way, since he was born!

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