Here is a pic of our little boy at our last ultrasound! Yes it is still a boy! The ultrasound tech also told us that she could see hair on top of his head so it will be kind of fun to see what color his hair is after he is born.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
31 Week Dr. appt!
Jamison is also pretty excited for his brother and he says "baby brother" and then he pulls my shirt up and kisses my belly. It is super cute. I think that he will be a great big brother, although I am not sure if he knows what is coming soon....
Saturday, January 14, 2012
30 Weeks pregnant!
We are now 30 weeks pregnant with our second little boy! We are so excited for our next baby and can't wait another 7-10 weeks for him to come. I have been busy with washing all of Jamison's old clothes and the new baby's clothes and I have it all washed and put away. Our little boy has so many clothes, balnkets, bibs, and receiving blankets already. We also got another bottle warmer as our old one already died on us. I have also been freezing extra meals for after the birth of our baby so we don't have to cook as I am sure we will be tired.
I have another appt this week and it will be with an ultrasound. Woohoo! We are having an ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid to see if it is low like it was with Jamison. I also can't wait to see the little guy and we will post pics on our blog and flicker.
On a sad note we had our one year birthday for Isabelle as she passed away a year ago on January 6th. We visited her grave and put a single pink rose on it for her. We will always miss her and she is in my thoughts a lot lately. I know she is happy in heaven but I wish we could've kept her here on earth. I hope someday we can have a healthy baby girl.
I will post more later this week regarding the ultrasound and appt!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Merry Christmas 2011!
We had a great Christmas last year (as I am writing this after the new year) I received an Ipad which I absolutely LOVE! J also got a lot of really cool gifts like a black and decker tool bench, kitchen complete with stove, microwave, and fridge, and we got him a Thomas the Train set among other toys. He is loving the new toys! Oh yeah he loves the Ipad too and asks for it since we have some apps for him on it too. = )
Also another cool thing is that I am in my final trimester! Woohoo! The home stretch. This weekend I have taken advantage of the long weekend by getting out all of J's newborn through 6 months clothes and washing them and putting them away in the closet. Wow what a feat! He had a lot of clothes. We really don't need to buy a lot of things for the baby as we already have most of it from Jamison (ie bottles, bibs, burp cloths) I do plan on breastfeeding again as long as it works out.
We are very excited for 2012 to have another little boy! I hope everyone has a great New year!