Sunday, August 30, 2009

Urgent Care Visit

Last Thursday night Andy and I made a trip to urgent care. I had chills and felt really achy starting around 5. After I fed Jamison and changed him I took my temp and it was 100.8 so we went to urgent care. At urgent care my temp was 102.7 and the doc diagnosed me with mastitis or inflammation of the breast. It can be caused by bacteria from the baby's mouth getting in sore or cracked nipples. I was started on antibiotics. I am still super tired.

In other news Jamison is doing really well. He is definitely getting bigger and he is starting to fill out. Also his umbilical cord fell off. He has been starting to lift his head and he can grasp our finger. I can tell he is trying to focus on people's faces becuase he goes a little cross eyed when he is trying to focus. We love little Jamison and he is so amazing.

Andy has been a huge help these last couple of weeks by doing laundry, cooking (he is an awesome cook), and cleaning. I have added a super cute pic of Jamison and daddy! Also thanks to everyone who has brought over frozen meals. So far we have had Rosemary's hot dish and we cooked my lasagna. I am so glad that I made a whole bunch of meals ahead of time. They have really came in handy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh what a night and Baby's first doctor's appt!

I know now that we are definitely being broken into parenthood! Last night we got up 6 times to feed our precious little boy. He spit up twice and the rest of the times he was just hungry. He doesn't cry very much he just whimpers. I felt bad for the little guy cuz he must have had an upset tummy.

Also today he had his first doctor's appt. We had great news..he has actually gained weight! He was 6 lbs 9 oz at birth and today he was 7 lbs and 4 oz. I couldn't believe it...that means that he is definitely eating well enough! The doctor also said that everything else checked out and he is very healthy. We really enjoyed going to Dr. Brenner because she was very helpful and answered all of our questions. We have had problems with him soaking his clothes when he pees and the doc told us to make sure that his peepee is down instead of up. Pretty common sense I know but the doc said she had the same problem with her son and they tried all kinds of different diapers until they figured it out. Now I don't feel so bad. ;) Our next doctor's appt is in October and that is when he will have his 2 month shots.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One week old!

Jamison is one week old today. Wow what a week it has been! Seeing our little boy for the first time, surgery, recovery, learning to breastfeed, being discharged and learning how to take care of baby at home. Now we couldn't imagine life without Jamison!

Tomorrow we have his first doctor's appt! I am excited to find out his weight but I expect that he may have lost weight since that is normal in the first week.

Also the little guy seems to like to pee when he has his diaper off! One time he peed into his eye...I felt so bad for him! Now I use the peepee teepee which is so nice for a little boy.

Also over the last week we have had so much parents came out from Ohio last Wed and stayed until Sunday. They helped with meals and buying things that we needed and it was so good to see them! Dana also came and she was a big help as well and we loved seeing Kaden again, my he looks like a little boy now! Also Steve and Roxanne have been a big help with bringing meals and tonight they are coming over to make supper. We thank everyone for the gifts and congrats that Jamison has recieved. I will keep you updated on his doc's appt tomorrow! I have also put a pic up of Jamison at one week old.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to the World Jamison Richard Gould!

On August 18th at 2:25 am we welcomed our son into the world. I will tell you how it happened...On August 17th I started having contractions around 4pm. They weren't quite regular so I wasn't quite sure if I was in labor. Then about 9pm I started having contractions that were 5 minutes apart and lasted about 45 seconds so then I knew I was in labor. We headed to the hospital around 10:30PM. We went straight up to labor and delivery they put me in an observation room and monitored my contractions and vital signs. By that time I was 3.5 cm dilated. Then they checked me after 30 minutes and I was 4 cm dilated. The doctor was called and I was admitted to a labor and delivery room. My contractions were getting really bad and it was super painful. I was given Nubain which did take the edge off but the contractions still hurt. Then Jamison's HR was decelerating or slowing down with each contraction so Dr. Eastman who was on call was called. He told the nurse that he would come in and break my water. So he came in to break my water and found out there wasn't hardly any amniotic fluid. They started an amniotic flush and an internal monitor on the baby's head. Then Dr. Monk was called to do an epidural...woohoo relief! He happened to be next door doing another epidural so that was great that he wasn't at home. By that time I was 6cm dilated and I got the epidural. The baby's HR was still deceleration with every contraction so Dr. Eastman who was still in house was called and he wanted to do a stat C-section because he was afraid that if we waited any longer the baby may not make it. So I was prepped for a stat C-section and the anesthesiologist was contacted. (ie the secretary ran down the hallway after him) Andy changed into his scrubs as I was whisked away to the OR. I knew what to expect from seeing surgeries so I wasn't scared. I was given a ton of drugs through my epidural and draped. Andy came in to watch the surgery but really didn't want to watch because he said that it was too hard to watch. After a few minutes we heard our baby come out and start crying! His apgars were 8 and 9 and the baby was healthy. In fact the doc told me that he had a ton of hair! The doc also told me that his cord was wrapped around his neck and I asked if he was going to be ok and the doc said that he would be fine. I got to see Jamison for the first time and he was an absolute doll! Then he was taken to the nursery for his assessment and immunizations and I was taken to recovery. I recovered well and I was moved to the Ob floor where I got to be with Jamison. Andy's parents came in the room and got to see Jamison as well. My parents were called earlier and drove from Ohio to see Jamison. They got here on Wed and will be staying until Sunday. I will write more later I just thought that I had better put the birth story up since I haven't posted it yet. Here is a link with pictures of our little boy

Monday, August 17, 2009

39 Week Doctor Appt.

Today I had my 39 week doctor's appt. We had great news...I am 80% effaced and 2 cm dilated! I was so happy that I am progressing. The doctor said that she thinks that I will go within the next week. That is so encouraging! She also pushed my cervix to help move things move along a little bit. Everything else was good too. My urine didn't have any glucose or protein and my BP was 122/70 with a HR of 72. The baby's HR was 144 which is consistent with what he has been. The doctor also said that she thinks he weighs between 7 and 7.5 lbs.

Last night I started having contractions and they have been happening throughout the day. My mom thinks that it may be the start of labor because that is how her labor started out. We will soon see. I can't wait to meet our little boy! Andy and I are so excited! My next doctor's appt is next Monday and hopefully I won't make it until then. Andy is predicting that I will have the baby tomorrow and Roxanne thinks I will have him on Thursday. I guess we will find out soon!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today I have been having a lot more contractions but I believe that they are just false labor because they are not regular or getting longer and stronger...but maybe this means that labor will happen soon!

Andy and I would be so excited if we got to meet our little boy this week! Every day I wake up and wonder if today will be the day. My sis wanted me to have the baby today since it is her birthday. I think that Baby Gould wants to pick his own day! Well I will keep everyone posted!

Monday, August 10, 2009

38 week appt.

Today I had my 38 week appt. Dr Aldrich is on vacation so I saw Dr. Hunt. She was really nice and answered all of my questions. She said that I am still 70% effaced and a fingertip dilated. I was kind of disappointed to hear that there were no changes. On the bright side our baby is healthy and his HR is 144. We are so excited and sooo ready for our baby. We have our bags packed for the hospital, the baby seat bases are installed in both cars, and I made lasagna to freeze last night for maternity leave. I think we have at least 7 meals in the freezer which will be nice when we are really tired. Well my next appt is next Monday so hopefully there will be some changes!

Monday, August 3, 2009

37 week appt!

We have great news! I am 70% effaced (which means my cervix is thinning) and a fingertip dilated! The nurse said that is really good for my first baby. My blood pressure and urine turned out good and I am negative for Group B strep. That is a bacteria that can be found when cultured and about 30% of women have it. It isn't a big deal it is just treated with antibiotics at the time of birth. The baby still was approximately 6.5 lbs and HR was good. His head is also still down!

Last night I started having false labor at about 3am and it went on for a couple of hours so that must have been what did it. I thought the visit would show status quo but I was excited to hear the new findings. Andy and I are ecstatic to see our little boy soon!

Also last night my cuz Lori and her hubby Dave spent the night on their drive out to Portland for their big move. It was great to see them. Well my next visit is next Monday I will update you if anything happens.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Almost 37 weeks!

We are so excited for our little bundle of joy that Andy and I are starting to get a little impatient...we can't wait to meet our little boy for the first time! We have installed the car seats in both cars, packed our bags for the hospital, and froze food for maternity leave. All we need is our little baby.

We are still discussing the baby name and have 3 really good names picked out. We are still going to wait until we see the little one to decide what his name should be.

This week I haven't had time to post a lot on my blog because I have been working a lot of hours at my job. We just opened up our new plasma center this week and I worked about 50 hours. It has been a tiring week and I am really glad that it is over. I know next week will probably be busy as well but hopefully not as crazy as this last week. I have filled out the paperwork for maternity leave and I plan on August 22 being my last day of work if I haven't had the baby yet. I am also planning on taking 3 months off and I told my manager that I may come back sooner but I want to fill out the paperwork with 3 months just in case. Andy will also be taking some time off after me. He is not sure how long but if he ends up taking a month off then we may not need daycare until January! That would be great! I am also planning on taking a trip to Ohio so I can see all my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins and they can meet our little boy. I can hardly wait!

Tonight my cousin Lori and her hubby David will be staying at our house as they are driving through on their way to Portland, Oregon for their big move out there. We are planning on smoking ribs and making all the fixins. It will be fun to spend some time with them and hear how their wedding went. Well I will post more tomorrow since I have my next doctor's appt.